Detroit Lead Paint Inspection

Helping property owners make sense of the Detroit Lead Ordinance since its inception.

Keep Your Rentals Compliant

The Detroit Ordinance requires property owners to be compliant with rental home lead testing rules. The goal of the ordinance is to improve public health and safety for Detroit's residents.

We know lead safety is important, but we also understand the costs involved and the challenges you face. So, we're here to help you make sense of the rules, provide recommendations on how you can reach compliance, and most importantly- make sure you get the most for your time, money and energy.

ETC has helped property owners like you fulfill compliance requirement by offering not only lead inspections but training, and consulting as well. We ask the important questions to find out what your particular needs are, enabling you to spend where you have to – and save money where you can.

Let ETC help you find the right solution for your property, and you’ll discover why thousands of property owners trust ETC with their compliance needs!


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Learn more about Lead Paint Inspections

Our e-book includes requirements, solutions, and tips for passing inspection.

Navigate the maze of lead paint compliance with ease!

The City of Detroit and ETC and are excited to introduce our new training program specifically tailored for landlords and local contractors.

What's It All About? This initiative is all about arming you with knowledge. Understand the real risks of lead paint and get a clear roadmap on how to keep your properties both safe and in line with Detroit’s lead paint ordinance.

What Will You Learn?

•The true dangers of lead paint.
•Navigating through the regulations.
•Best practices in property maintenance and registration.
•Tips on collaborating with lead paint specialists.
•Insight into tax perks and available grants for you.

The best part? These training courses are TOTALLY FREE !

Lead Paint Inspection FAQs

Our Detroit Branch

ETC's Detroit branch has an exceptional level of expertise when it comes to the Detroit Lead Paint Ordinance, and can help you get into compliance, without sacrificing your bottom line.