Lead Risk Assessor

Refresher Certification Course

The Lead Risk Assessor Refresher Course is an EPA/State of Michigan accredited training required every three years for all certified lead risk assessors to maintain their certification.

Course Overview

This one-day course refreshes attendees on the key fundamentals of performing lead risk assessments in “target housing” (pre-1978 dwellings) or “child-occupied facilities” within the State of Michigan.

Key Topics Include:

  • Reviewing and interpreting lead inspection data
  • Detailed review of homes to identify potential lead-related hazards
  • Thorough review of dust, soil, paint, and water sampling requirements
  • Required methodologies to evaluate hazards and painted components in housing
  • Developing strategies and recommendations to control lead-related hazards
  • Required documentation and report creation standards

Additionally, this course assists attendees in keeping up with the latest industry changes and new requirements from federal or state regulations.

Certification Process: Upon completion of this course, attendees must submit their certificates and fees to the State of Michigan to renew their state certification as lead risk assessors. Participants must also pass a third-party (State) certification exam. Applicants must maintain current accreditation as a Lead Inspector in the State of Michigan.

Important Note:
As per the Michigan Lead Abatement Act, individuals who wish to test for lead-based paint in target housing and child-occupied facilities must maintain their state certification as a licensed lead inspector every 3 years. While required applications are provided during the training course, fees and third-party (State) licensing exams are not included in the course cost.

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