Asbestos Management Planner

Refresher Certification Course

This EPA/State of Michigan accredited course is required annually for all asbestos management planners to maintain their certification. The half-day refresher course ensures that attendees stay current with the practices necessary for producing asbestos management plans following mandated asbestos inspections and reinspections in public and private primary and secondary school buildings, as required by federal law.

Course Overview

Course Topics:

  • Reviewing and interpreting asbestos inspection data
  • Detailed review of Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requirements
  • Producing management plans and operations & maintenance (O&M) programs
  • Required documentation and report creation standards

Additionally, the course updates attendees on current industry changes and new interpretations and requirements from federal or state regulations.

Certification Details:

  • Upon completion, attendees must submit their certificate and fees to the State of Michigan to maintain their state certification as Asbestos Management Planners.
  • Certification must be renewed annually.

Important Note:
Federal EPA regulations require that any individual who engages in determining asbestos hazards in school buildings (K-12) must annually maintain their accreditation as a licensed asbestos management planner. While required applications and exams are provided during the training course, fees for licensing are not included in the course cost. Other states may not accept virtual training; verify with states other than Michigan before registering to ensure they accept virtual training. Download links provided will expire within a few days, but if you miss the opportunity to download, they will be provided in class.

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