Asbestos Abatement Contractor / Supervisor
Refresher Certification Course
Course Overview
Course Topics:
- Historical uses of asbestos
- Health effects of asbestos exposure
- Asbestos removal and containment methods
- Cleaning procedures post-asbestos projects
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and respirator use
- Employee decontamination
- Proper waste disposal methods
Additionally, this course assists supervisors in staying current with industry changes and new federal or state regulations.
Certification Details:
- Michigan regulations require at least one Asbestos Abatement Supervisor to be present during all asbestos removal activities.
- Upon completion of this course, supervisors must submit their certificate and fees to the State of Michigan to continue their state certification as asbestos abatement supervisors.
- Certification must be renewed annually.
Important Note:
As per Michigan Public Act 135, outside contractors and their employees engaged in asbestos removal from buildings must first become licensed asbestos abatement workers or supervisors and work for a licensed asbestos abatement contractor. While required applications and exams are provided during the training course, fees for licensing are not included in the course cost. Other states may not accept virtual training; verify with states other than Michigan before registering to ensure they accept virtual training.
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